Energy is a scarce commodity; saving it not only saves our wallets, but also the environment. As a sustainable gift for our readers, the Bantelmann Translate team has collected a few energy-saving tips this year. Perhaps there is something useful for you too.
We start at the workplace. In the home office setting, everyone decides for themselves when the computer stays on. Putting the devices into energy-saving mode during the lunch break is a good idea. It is also quite practical if devices such as computers, printers and routers are plugged into a power strip that can be switched off and easily disconnected from the power supply, e.g. overnight, because even devices use some electricity, even when turned off.
In winter, the lamps stay on longer. Replacing light bulbs with LEDs can be worth it from an electricity bill perspective.
When we get cold at our desks, we put on an extra jumper instead of turning up the thermostat on the heating.
The next step is in the kitchen. If you cook with a lid or with a pressure cooker, you shorten the cooking time and save heat and energy. Side dishes such as pasta or rice can be cooked in larger quantities, which then only need to be reheated briefly in the following days. If you plan ahead a little, you can use up all the supplies before your holiday and switch the fridge off completely. If you have a dishwasher, only switch it on when it is full.
Energy consumption can also be reduced in the laundry room or bathroom: washing at 20 or 30 degrees saves energy and protects the colors and textiles. It is better to let the laundry dry on the balcony or on the terrace - if available - than in the dryer.